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How can you turn your customer care department into your new sales department?

Turning your customer care department into a sales department is possible — and it doesn’t have to be difficult either. So how can you do this? By implementing robots. 

How can you turn your customer care department into your new sales department?
How can you turn your customer care department into your new sales department?

Speed and quality is the dream of any service desk, and may now come true with Ticket Classification as-a-Service from Visma ITC.

Also read: Can a robot be sustainable?

Robots, yes or no? 

For the process automation team in Visma IT, robots are always a big yes. If used correctly and following AI ethical principles, robots, like any other technology, can improve the life of the people using it. 

The robot needs no sleep, they don’t need coffee breaks and they never get tired of answering the same questions over and over again. More importantly, as time passes, they are constantly learning and becoming more useful colleagues every day. 

If you work in a service desk, you know that this involves manual, repetitive, prone to human error tasks. This is where a robot comes into the picture. 

Customer care tasks that for most people are tedious and time-consuming, robots will be glad to take on. Just tell it what to do and it will be more than happy to fulfill the tasks. 

Ticket Classification is a service based on machine learning algorithms that take over employee’s tasks as mentioned in the example above. The robot always on duty is Dee. It dispatches tickets and recommends FAQ articles to help remove some of the workloads a customer care department has.  

So, now we’re faced with the question we have asked ourselves many times before: Will robots eventually take over our jobs? The short answer: no. 

Robots won’t ”steal” your job

As the AI field grows more and more rapidly, many people seem to be concerned about the topic ”robots replacing humans”. Of course, robots will replace some of the jobs that today are performed by humans. 

But, as history proves it, the development of new technologies will just reorganise the job market worldwide, meaning that some of the jobs disappear, while new jobs will appear. 

So, the right question to ask is what new jobs will robots bring into the job market? And also, what part of the process can you improve by taking advantage of robots?

Let’s imagine some scenarios:

  1. You are using Dee and you no longer need to dispatch the service tickets coming in. This means you will have more time to train your new employees, as well as create and update documentation and methodology for the existing processes and tasks. You will have more time to focus on the complex requests of your customers.
  2. You are using Dee for recommending articles from your FAQ articles database to answer customer inquiries. Also, Dee estimates the percentage of the cases you will solve by writing articles about certain topics that cover frequently asked questions. You can, therefore, focus more on the accuracy of the articles, on creating new articles and maintaining the existing knowledge base. You’ll even have time to come up with new, brilliant ideas for improving the activity of the service desks.  

Put these two scenarios together and now your highly trained customer support personnel are free to chase new opportunities for your company. As anyone knows, the ability to identify new features in a service, plus becoming a successful account manager requires extensive knowledge of the service, plus the ability to see what the customer sees. No one is better suited for this than a dedicated customer care employee.

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