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My leadership journey: Meet Victoria!

From UX researcher to Director of Product Discovery: Get to know Victoria Bondarchuk’s journey within Visma, and her top three learnings from the Visma Management Academy.

Victoria Bondarchuk

In this mini series of blog articles, you’ll get to know some of our leaders who have graduated from the Visma Management Academy (VMA). Every year, more than 100 new leaders take part in the programme.

Visma Careers: Come work with us!

Who, what, where:

Victoria Bondarchuk is the Product Discovery Director of Visma Tech Hubs. Here, she creates frameworks and practices to help teams work in an iterative and data-driven manner, constantly testing and validating assumptions, and making data-informed decisions to improve the products. 

Hi, Victoria! What do you do in your job?

“I work with Visma companies to help product teams to be autonomous and empowered to make decisions and take ownership of the product. The ultimate goal for me is that every product team creates a product that users love and that drives sustainable growth for the business.

When my company was acquired by Visma, I naturally felt uncertain and concerned about how it might impact my team. Luckily, I soon realised that we had become part of a highly supportive and experienced network of companies!”

Which roles have you had so far?

“I started as a UX researcher. What a great role to start with in Visma! We have a great community of UX Designers and Researchers, already joined by more than 200 people. You never feel alone, and if you’re stuck, there’s always someone who faces a similar issue. Later on, I became UX Manager and User Insights Manager, before I landed in the role I have today.”

How do you see your career going forward?

“We enjoy the freedom to chart our own course for growth, provided that our efforts bring value to our teams and contribute to the development of outstanding products. Our People team has always ensured that everyone has the freedom to pivot in their careers and explore new options beyond their current areas of expertise.

I’m content in my current role, and I have a plethora of objectives that I’d like to accomplish. I also strongly believe that it’s essential to follow the challenges that other disciplines face and discover ways to work collaboratively across Visma. To achieve this, I seek mentorship and connections in areas outside of my own expertise. Currently, I’m exploring Financial Insights and Strategy with the guidance of exceptional mentors at Visma. Where will it lead me? Let’s see. No matter what, I know there’ll always be an opportunity!” 

What were three things you learned from the VMA?

“First of all, the importance of radical transparency in leadership. Secondly, the critical skill of self-awareness when it comes to social style. But, what’s even more important is how to adapt and be versatile to the needs of others. Lastly, I learned how to create a strategy that actually works.”

What surprised you the most?

“If I had to pinpoint a single element that caught me off guard and that tied together all the sessions and workshops, it would be the concept of ‘courageous vulnerability’. Mentors openly shared stories of their past failures, and participants were fearless in their honesty about the obstacles they encounter in the workplace. Above all, this approach gives a sense of security and reassures that there’s always a path forward.”

How has the program helped you in finding the right path for your career?

“Perhaps, the most valuable aspect of VMA is the alumni network, which can have personal and, certainly, professional advantages. Having access to experienced professionals in a wide range of fields is like having a career compass to guide me throughout my professional journey.”

“Mentors openly shared stories of their past failures, and participants were fearless in their honesty about the obstacles they encounter in the workplace.”

Victoria Bondarchuk