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The thinking behind Visma’s new sponsorship deal

Birken, Vasaloppet, Marcialonga and seven other prestigious races make up the long distance championship, Visma Ski Classics. See Visma CEO Øystein Moan’s take on the investment.

The thinking behind Visma’s new sponsorship deal
The thinking behind Visma’s new sponsorship deal

What is Visma hoping to achieve with the Visma Ski Classics sponsorship?

From this season onwards, Ski Classics – the long distance cross-country championship – will carry the name Visma Ski Classics.

The title sponsorship will expose the Visma brand to millions of people across Europe. As a result, Visma will go from recognized industry brand to household name.

To many, an unexpected move from a company that until now has been quite niche in its marketing.

We will use this exposure to create positive experiences
between the skiers, the audience and our brand.

A major attraction

Ski Classics is the long distance ski championship. It consists of ten of the world’s most prestigious and traditional ski events. From Marcialonga in Italy to Vasaloppet in Sweden and Birkebeinerrennet in Norway.

25 pro teams and 50.000 amateur skiers competing in the same races.

Dubbed the Tour de France of skiing, Ski Classics is among the toughest challenges within organized skiing – and one of the fastest growing spectator sports.

20 million viewers in 70 countries

The races are televised in more than 70 countries around the world with more than 20 million viewers.

We will use this exposure to create positive experiences between the skiers, the audience and our brand.

For the millions watching at home, the masses at the stadiums, the 50,000 skiers putting down hundreds of training hours throughout the year, and for the pro athletes fighting for laurels – Visma will be an integral part of the experience.

A perfect fit

Cross-country skiing speaks to Visma’s Nordic identity, and it is one of the most popular winter sports in our region.

Like Visma, Ski Classics is on the rise – and as it grows and becomes an even bigger attraction, the name Visma Ski Classics will already be well established.

Ski Classics represents a culture of pushing oneself to the limit and beyond. Accomplishments. Winning – but also fellowship and sportsmanship.

To compete requires strength, resilience and character, and the ability to endure adversity and rough environments.

These are all virtues and values Visma and Ski Classics have in common.

A common passion

Visma has experienced a rapid growth over the past years. This has seen Visma expand beyond the Nordics to Latvia, the Netherlands, Romania, Lithuania and Poland.

In light of this, it is important that we maintain a strong internal culture.

We have been looking for a venture that will tie our organization even closer together. Something beyond the office and daily business, something that transcends divisions and countries.

This “something” we found in Ski Classics.

On top of the obvious marketing and branding value the sponsorship provides, it will also work as a platform from which our business units can launch activities for our partners, customers and employees.

The work begins now

The sponsorship has big potential, but as of yet, it is only potential. A vessel we need to fill with valuable content and experiences.

The work to make the most out of this opportunity begins now.

How do you think Visma should utilize the sponsorship? Let us know in the comments below.