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Tour de Communication

Visma’s Corporate Marketing and Communication department has hosted Communication Days – a full day event for all marketers and communication resources at Visma.

Tour de Communication

Visma’s Corporate Marketing and Communication department has hosted Communication Days – a full day event for all marketers and communication resources at Visma.

The main goal with the Communication Days was internal training, learning and inspiration. The day also provided the opportunity to get up to date on the developments within the field of marketing and communication. Additionally, it was a great arena for networking and knowledge sharing across business units and countries.

Communication Days

Communication Days consisted of several sessions focusing on different topics within marketing and communication.The event started with three joint sessions about ROMI, Visma’s new Brand book, customer experience, and continued with thirteen more narrow sessions divided among the three tracks Content, Web, and Marketing Automation. The sessions were a mix of presentations and workshops.

From one country to another

Communication Days were hosted in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland. This allowed for local adoption, relevant discussions and interaction face to face.

Workshop, Communication Days

Key take-aways from Communication Days

Below you can find take-aways from the Communication Days that are relevant for all marketers:


  • The human ability to focus has decreased from 12 seconds in 2000 to about 8 seconds today. Thus, make the first 8 seconds attention grabbing.
  • To succeed with marketing, we need both to create quality content and dive into data, measurements and analytics. Try to follow this rule: anything you do not count, does not count. Anything you do not report – does not count either.

Brand and customer experience

  • Create a strong visual identity and be consistent in the expression.
  • 86% of buyers will pay more for a better customer experience. Thus, focus on the buyer journey and good design.


  • Nearly 60% of executives say they would choose video over text, if they had both options available. In other words, increase use and production of video in your communication.
  • Create personas and use them actively when creating content for your website and social media channels.


  • Don’t start to work in the CMS until you have a good content strategy for the website
  • A good map of the customer journey based on sound research is important to create user friendly web content
  • A web page is never finished. Quantitative and qualitative research leads to hypotheses you test in A/B-testing and/or implementation.

Marketing automation

  • Start simple & scale up over time. Identify a few important stages in your funnel, and 1-2 personas, start with simple welcome nurture campaign.
  • Coordinate with your sales team. Collaborate with Sales to identify and define lead stages, conversion criteria and hand-off Sales Qualified Leads
  • Think Beyond the Email Inbox. Develop a strategy that serves up relevant content across all the channels your customers use, from email to the website to more
    informed, relevant sales calls.