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Why unhappy customers are so important to us

Have a look at what goes on behind the scenes in Visma’s customer survey program – and how we use it to improve our business.

Why unhappy customers are so important to us

In 2012, we implemented a business improvement program based on the Net Promoter methodology.

Fundamental for the program is a customer feedback system.

By asking the right questions to customers, listening to their feedback, and taking actions based on their input, we are able to focus on the issues that are of the highest importance to our various customer groups.

Why is this important?

We are reliant on our customers trusting us to deliver excellent solutions and services. Our aim is to make them so happy that they recommend us to others.

This is the ambition of our customer care program and the backdrop when we develop and improve products, services and guidelines for conduct.

To be able to earn recommendations there are two key factors:

  1. Our products and services have to genuinely improve our customers’ professional lives
  2. We need engaged employees to deliver great customer experiences.

The NPS metric shows us how we are performing in this work.

So, how exactly does NPS work?

NPS is short for “Net Promoter Score”.

The score is calculated by asking our customers the following question: “On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely is it that you would recommend Visma to others”

On this basis, customers are divided into three categories:

  1. Those promoting us (9-10).
  2. Those being satisfied, but not promoting us (7-8)
  3. Those being dissatisfied with us and may spread negative word of mouth (0-6)

To calculate the NPS, we simply subtract the percentage of Category 3 from the percentage of Category 1 (ignoring Category 2).

Every month but July, we reach out to 1/11 of our customer contacts, asking for their feedback. This way, we get to ask every customer once a year.

The important second question

In the NPS surveys we also ask for suggestions in terms of what we should prioritize improving to become a better vendor.

Based on the feedback, we are able to analyse what to change and decide upon business improvement projects in order to enhance the customer experience.

We can always improve, but the key is to make improvements where they matter the most. In that regard, the feedback from our unhappy customers are highly valuable.

Not anonymous

The customers answering the survey are not anonymous. This gives us the opportunity to follow up directly on customer-specific issues that needs our attention immediately.

We are committed to resolving bad experiences. Customers telling us we are not delivering according to their expectations, and that they, therefore, are unlikely to recommend us, will receive a follow-up call.

Covering all touchpoints

In addition to the relational NPS survey mentioned above, we also ask for feedback from people who have different interactions with Visma, in for instance support calls and implementation projects.

We call these surveys transactional NPS. This gives us the opportunity to learn more about how we are performing in certain touchpoints with buyers and users of our software and services.

A direct influence on our development

The NPS feedback system is the customer’s voice to the management of Visma, and NPS is one of the most important key performance indicators for Visma management and employees. For our managers, NPS is also tied to their compensation plans.

By answering our NPS surveys, customers influence the quality and content of our future software releases, the services we provide, and our customer care.