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Welcome to the new Management Trainees

This year, for the first time in history, Visma has gathered 12 ambitious Nordic students from Finland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway to take part in this year’s Management Trainee program. Until November, each one of the 12 trainees will be working on their first project in the Visma HQ in Oslo spread over different departments in the organization. In the following blog post you can finally get to know our amazing trainees and their projects better!

Management trainees 2016/17
Welcome to the new Management Trainees

Camilla Hjortdam, DK

Academic background
Master in Supply Chain Management, specialized in Strategic Procurement – Copenhagen Business School.
Bachelor in Business Administration and Communication – Copenhagen Business School.

What is your first project about?
My first project takes place in Corporate Marketing and Communication. This department works across all business units in Visma. As management trainee, my job is to establish an internal community for all marketing and user experience employees across Visma in order to strengthen knowledge sharing and collaboration. This involves stakeholder analysis, mapping of needs and requirements, market research for technical solution, and – hopefully – implementation of the solution.

What has surprised you the most since starting at Visma?
I was surprised by how difficult it can be to understand Norwegian colleagues (or Swedish, for that matter) – and vice versa – unless we speak reaaaally slowly. But practice makes perfect, you know? In addition, it surprises me every day how open and welcoming everyone here is: From day one you get the feeling that you belong here.

A movie title for the story of your life?
Free Willy

What are three things still left on your bucket list?
1. Scuba dive in the Great Blue Hole (Belize)
2. See the Northern Lights in Svalbard
3. Grow my own avocado tree (successfully)

If you really knew me, you’d know_____
That, when I was younger, I had a huge obsession with The Lord of the Rings, and even made up my own elf name.

Jonas André Marthinussen, NO 

Academic background
MSc in Economics & Business Administration from Norwegian School of Economics and Master in International Business from EGADE Business School in Monterrey, Mexico

What is your first project about?
I work with developing and structuring communication in the Visma Flyt Skole-project within Visma Unique. This involves creating plans, presentations, newsletters and videos to communicate both internally and externally in the project.

What has surprised you the most since starting at Visma?
How young and innovative the culture is, along with management’s willingness to give trainees real responsibility

A movie title for the story of your life?
The Usual Suspect

What are three things still left on your bucket list?
1. Going to Africa
2. Writing a book
3. Flying a plane

If you really knew me, you’d know_____
That I sing songs from Frozen whenever I am all alone.

Amanda Lindqvist, FI 

Academic background
M.Sc. in Economics and Business Administration at Hanken School of Economics, major in Accounting. Exchange studies in international business at Sogang University, South Korea.

What is your first project about?
I am doing my first project for Visma Software International AS. The project is about mapping out business opportunities for Visma and the final product will be a strategy on how Visma should move forward in a certain area of business. My project includes talking to a lot of people, going to conferences, doing market analysis/sizing and pretty much knowing something about everything in Visma. So cool!

What has surprised you the most since starting at Visma?
I was surprised over how much responsibility we were given right from the start. The program is also extremely well organized and I feel like Visma really wants us to get a kick start to our careers. We are also getting a lot of education, e.g. in presentation technique which is a lesson for life and very valuable to me.

A movie title for the story of your life?
Good Will Hunting (for all non-accounting students: it’s an accounting joke)

What are three things still left on your bucket list?
1. Travel to Ulaanbaatar
2. Learn a new language
3. Get a hunting license

If you really knew me, you’d know_____
That I have a serious weakness for candy and cute dogs.

Alexander Artman, SE 

Academic background
MSc in Business and Economics with specialization in Management of International Business.
BSc in Business and Administration with specialization in Marketing.

What is your first project about?
My first project is in Visma Unique where I work with integration and go-to-market for a newly acquired business. My main task is to analyse and map the customers and products in order to create successful strategies for further actions.

What has surprised you the most since starting at Visma?
How professional but at the same time casual and down to earth the corporate culture is.

A movie title for the story of your life?
Catch Me If You Can

What are three things still left on your bucket list?
1. Skydiving
2. Visiting the Amazon rainforest in South America
3. Learn how to do a handstand

If you really knew me, you’d know_____
That my sense of direction is worse than that of a blind goldfish.

Julie Wium Lie, NO 

Academic background
MSc in Industrial Economics and Technology Management from NTNU with specialization in Computer Science and Strategic Procurement and Supply Management.

What is your first project about?
I am working with the technical support team within GLA, which is Visma’s division for government and large accounts. My project is about establishing routines in order for the right people to know the right things at the right time when an error in the software is reported.

What has surprised you the most since starting at Visma?
How enormous the Visma group really is and how many different legal entities that exist within the company. Also, how difficult it is to communicate with Danish people.

A movie title for the story of your life?
Perhaps “Law Abiding Citizen” haha? I am really obsessed with not breaking the speed limit while driving.

What are three things still left on your bucket list?
1. Living in New York City
2. Skydiving
3. Visiting Tokyo (as you probably guess, I did not take the mandatory Norwegian gap year)

If you really knew me, you’d know_____
I’m really into carbohydrates.

Michael Håkansson, SE 

Academic background
M.Sc. Industrial Management, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
M.Sc.E. Computer Science, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
B.Sc. Computer Science, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

What is your first project about?
My first project is within the Product Unit of Visma Software International. This is where all the software for small businesses are developed, for example web based accounting and invoicing services and customer relationship management (CRM) solutions.
The project is about IT Security, and the goal is to find new ways to measure, visualize and communicate security – both internally and externally. There will be a blog-post about security coming up soon, in which I will describe my project more. Stay tuned.

What has surprised you the most since starting at Visma?
How rapidly the company is growing. So far this year, Visma has acquired more than 15 companies. The way in which new acquisitions are successfully integrated into the “Visma family” is impressive.

A movie title for the story of your life?
Into the Wild (just the movie title – not the plot of the movie)

What are three things still left on your bucket list?
1. Try climbing
2. Visit Burma
3. See Mount Everest with my own eyes

If you really knew me, you’d know_____
I don’t like coriander.

Peder Engesæth, NO 

Academic background
Double degree in International Business (EGADE) and “Siviløkonomi” (NHH).

What is your first project about?
I’m working with Visma Unique, which delivers tailored solutions to large accounts. They have just introduced a new CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system, and needed some to carry the implementation forward.

What has surprised you the most since starting at Visma?
The range in backgrounds people have. I have previously worked for a few consultancies, which have a more homogeneous staff, whereas Visma is much more varied. People with different educations, careers and cultural backgrounds are brought together to pull towards the same goals.

A movie title for the story of your life?

What are three things still left on your bucket list?
1. Kenya
2. Haggis
3. Punching a shark

If you really knew me, you’d know_____
The importance of choosing your friends more wisely.

Eeva Penttilä, FI 

Academic background
Master’s degree in Corporate Governance and Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki.

What is your first project about?
My first project is at Visma Collectors and is about analyzing which benefits can be reached in debt collection with help of a potential new supplier of big data. The goal is to shorten the days of sales outstanding (DSO) and to make the debt collection process more efficient. The project is divided into three phases; first, to find which data measures can be used to shorten DSO, second, to test these measures in practice and third, analyse the effects of the tests.

What has surprised you the most since starting at Visma?
I’m positively surprised about getting to start with this extremely important project right from the beginning. I’m also amazed about how supporting and inspiring the working climate is!

A movie title for the story of your life?
“The Hundred-Year-Old (Wo-)Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared”

What are three things still left on your bucket list?
1. Fly in a hot air balloon
2. Visit Alaska
3. Write a book

If you really knew me, you’d know_____
I love coffee and dark chocolate.

Anders Fagerholt, NO 

Academic background
MSc Industrial Economics and Technology Management from NTNU.
Specialization: Computer Science, Software and Mathematical Optimization.
Exchange student at Technische Universität München, Germany.
BSc Economics from NTNU.

What is your first project about?
My first project is about the software delivery teams in Visma that create cloud based software, and a model describing best practice for how these teams should work and be organized. My delivery will be a procedure to regularly measure if the teams comply with the model, and to receive feedback on whether and how the model could be improved.
The project is sponsored by three large parts of the company, called Visma Product Unit, Visma Enterprise Solutions and Visma IT & Communications.

What has surprised you the most since starting at Visma?
The pace at which things happen here is really something else. It feels like new and exciting opportunities become available to anyone who are dedicated and willing to take on a challenge. For me, that makes this a fun and exhilarating place to work.

A movie title for the story of your life?
Would have to be ‘Being there’. Not the comedy from ‘79, though, where Peter Sellers becomes a prominent gardener, but the ski film from 2012 with Aksel Lund Svindal and the crew from Field Productions.

What are three things still left on your bucket list?
1. Kite across Spitzbergen
2. Travel a continent with my wife
3. Build a house

If you really knew me, you’d know_____
I really like to ski! And other things that makes me feel like being there, not just everywhere.

David Månsson, SE 

Academic background
Bachelor degree, Design of Information Systems and Master of Information System at Lund University, Sweden.

What is your first project about?
Nordic accounting services rollout for Visma BPO. Visma BPO division is looking to strengthen our proposition to Nordic Accounting Customers. Visma BPO divisions are represented in all four Nordic countries but have traditionally been weak in putting together an attractive offer to Nordic Customers. The division has put together a Nordic Platform to serve those clients; but is lacking common routines, documents and governance models.

What has surprised you the most since starting at Visma?
The high level of responsibility to mantle the very first week and the ease of approaching people in all positions.

A movie title for the story of your life?
Lost in translation

What are three things still left on your bucket list?
1. Become CIO
2. Put a ring on that finger
3. Rock a €1000 suit

If you really knew me, you’d know_____
That I am a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle

Martin Ringdal, NO 

Academic background
I have studied Industrial Economics and Technology Management at NTNU with a major in finance and a minor in computer science. As part of that, I spent one year at Harvard as a visiting undergraduate student.

What is your first project about?
My first project is to create a monitoring strategy for one of the services at Visma. I work for VES, and sit together with the developers. I like how I can combine technical knowledge with business, and how much freedom I have in designing the strategy.

What has surprised you the most since starting at Visma?
I have been surprised the most by how much interest there is for us management trainees. Almost every day, I meet someone new that are genuinely interested in my project and would like to learn more about it.

A movie title for the story of your life?
You Can Count on Me

What are three things still left on your bucket list?
1. Start a business
2. Travel to Japan
3. Learn to dance

If you really knew me, you’d know_____
I love to read. If I get caught up in a great book, I can spend entire days in the sofa.

Cecilia Tormod Bindslev, DK 

Academic background
MSc in Finance and Strategic Management at Copenhagen Business School. Exchange semester at ESCE International Business School in Paris.
BSc in Economics and Business Administration at Copenhagen Business School. Exchange semester at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

What is your first project about?
My first project is for Visma Software, where my main task is to perform financial analysis of cost savings by deploying specific Visma solutions. Further, I will conduct customer interviews and carry out a survey to collect costumer statements to use in a marketing context.

What has surprised you the most since starting at Visma?
How welcoming and lovely people are, they instantly make you feel like a part of the big Visma family. And that they eat a lot more Danish pastry here in Norway than we do back home.

A movie title for the story of your life?
Gone with the wind

What are three things still left on your bucket list?
1. Live on a vineyard in Southern France – nothing better than being surrounded by French wine and Frenchies.
2. Go skydiving – the thought of free fall scares the living daylights out of me.
3. Join the biggest food fight in the world, La Tomatina, in Buñol Valencia, Spain – because you are never too old for a food fight.

If you really knew me, you’d know_____
That I love dancing but have absolutely no rhythm in my life.

Do you want to know more about our Management Trainees and the rest of their first year at Visma, follow Visma Trainee on Facebook.