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What are the MTs looking for in a permanent position?

After five exciting projects, the Management Trainees will enter permanent positions in Visma. But what is important when looking for a position?

What are the MTs looking for in a permanent position?
What are the MTs looking for in a permanent position?

Continue to read how this year’s Management Trainees seem to value personal development, dedicated colleagues and the chance to challenge the status quo.  


In the permanent position I look for an opportunity to work in a small and fast-paced environment with colleagues who are excellent at what they are doing and dedicated to their mission. Preferably I would like to take part in building or transforming something, not just maintaining the status quo. This is how I think I can learn the most, and it is what makes me thrive at work. Furthermore, I love working on projects in which I am given great ownership of my work, which means I am made (partly) responsible for the project’s targets and results.


For me, three qualities in a permanent position stand out. First, I’m looking for a position and workplace where I am continuously challenged and thereby continue to develop by learning. Second, I’m looking for variety in the position. Preferably this implies a combination of analytical thinking and strategic decision making.  Last, having a good working environment is crucial. No fancy title can exchange good laughs with colleges and a just and fair leader.


The most important thing for me is being able to develop myself professionally and personally as part of my job. Especially early in the career, I believe it is important to find a position that offers a high degree of responsibility and a steep learning curve coupled with experienced colleagues that can guide and coach you to help you excel in your role. That is why I find Visma the ideal place for me to continue after the graduate program, as I’m sure to work with extremely talented people in a fast paced environment with ever changing possibilities.


In order to answer the question of what’s important in a permanent position, I had to look back and ask myself, what has made me enjoy the projects I’ve had during the trainee year? Firstly, I enjoy my daily work a lot more if I enjoy the people I work with. Secondly, I love helping people out. If I notice that users or co-workers are struggling with something, I find it very motivating to work on improving their situation. Finally, I enjoy being challenged. There is nothing more satisfying than succeeding with a project that you initially thought you couldn’t do.


The most important aspect for me in a permanent position is to be able to keep learning. There are of course many ways to ensure this, but five ways that are particularly important to me are the following: i) the tasks you get exposed to, ii) to be able to work with- and learn from competent people that inspire and guide you, iii) having stakeholders with high expectations, iv) processes that ensure learning and v) feedback procedures that ensure that you are in line with your learning goals.


Looking for a permanent position, there are three different traits I value. Firstly, I want a position where I can work with a variety of projects because I would like to keep on acquiring knowledge across different departments. Secondly, I would appreciate a position that is lead by a great leader. I believe great leadership has a significant impact on motivation, career progress, and opportunities. Lastly, I find it important that the position can contribute to entrepreneurial activities because challenging how we work in Visma is something I have learned to like during the trainee period.


The most important part of a permanent position is that the tasks it involves aren’t permanent. To elaborate, I am looking for a role where the responsibilities and assignments grow and I can grow with them. Moreover, I like to get things done! Or rather get changes done. That is why I find a position exciting when I am given the opportunity to work with improving the way the company operates and ease the work for many employees or customers.


The perfect position for me today is a position that exposes my theoretical skills from university to a real-life business environment. Surrounded by encouraging colleagues and leaders, I want to learn and grow from experiences and mistakes. Such a position must involve advanced technology and colleagues who are passionate about its commercial potential. I think it is rewarding to balance on the edge of your comfort zone in order to get both a sense of empowerment and a sense of exploration and learning. That way, you can bring value to your company and colleagues and develop your own career and profile.


When thinking of a permanent position for the next couple of years, I weigh multiple different things: will this position help me achieve the goals I have set for my career? What skills will I acquire and develop further through this position? Will I enjoy the work environment and the work itself? I think it’s important to find a fit between these requirements and find a position where you can see yourself grow in the best possible environment. Even though I do analytically ponder the things I listed, in the end, I tend to use my gut instinct in these type of decisions. This means I’ll go with something that truly excites me and that I’ll enjoy the most.

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