HRM & Payroll in the city of Kuopio
The city of Kuopio saves 600,000 euros per year by automating payroll and personnel management with Personec F - a product provided by Visma Public in Finland.

For several years, the city of Kuopio has reduced manual administrative work with automation using the Personec F payroll system and the electronic transaction service Personec F ESS. Thanks to the notifications made by the users themselves, automated processes and electronic approval, the annual savings correspond to the annual salary of 15 payroll secretaries, which is around 600,000 euros..
- We were convinced of Visma Public's strong expertise in personnel management. I noticed right away that the company has an unusually high level of professionalism.
Hannu Issakainen, Information Management Specialist, City of Kuopio
The operation of Personec ESS is based on the role-based processes in Kuopio, which were defined together with Visma Public's experts. The users are responsible for submitting requests and notifications.
- Before the introduction of ESS, leave and change applications were submitted to payroll on paper. The required amount of work was hidden, making the operation only seemingly efficient. Now that everyone is responsible for their own notifications, they are not left in a mailbox or internal mail but are processed efficiently, which saves costs., says Hannu Issakainen, Kuopio's information management expert.
The intelligent system automates critical work steps
In addition to electronic transactions, the automation in the Personec F also brings efficiency to operations, according to Hannu Issakainen. He gives a simple example.
- From time to time, we have to make retroactive changes to the employment relationships of the personnel. With Visma Public's system, for example, it is easy to put a notice into the employment relationship made 10 years ago into effect immediately, because the system interprets it in the light of the current collective agreement. We save a lot of work when the intelligent system interprets the rules of the collective agreement for us in seconds and the events are immediately recorded correctly, praises Issakainen.
Users are satisfied with electronic self-service
Visma Public's systems were familiar in Kuopio even before the introduction of the Personec F system. Still, the introduction of the new system excited users beforehand and the commissioning in Kuopio went even better than expected.
- The implementation project went smoothly and the feedback from users has been very positive. I don't think anyone would want to go back to the old way, where papers and notes go through several pairs of hands to be processed - seemingly efficient work is now history," he praises.
Customer benefits
- Due to the reduction of manual administrative work, significant cost savings have been achieved
- Critical work phases, such as retroactive changes to service relationships, are easily handled by Personec F's automation.