For public sector

eGovernment cloud solutions to digitise your democracy

Flexible case management and clever automation for better decision making.

Ease your democratic processes for all parties

Our software tightens the bond between government administration and representatives. All parties get a better workflow to make informed decisions and serve the public more efficiently.

Flexible case management

We provide a flexible and modern way for local governments to process cases and budgets with the needed knowledge. 

Easy access to all case files

Gather data across the organisation

Overview of budgets and proposals 

Better decisions

We make it easier for elected representatives to make the right decisions on behalf of the public.

Access to all materials in one place

Collaborate and prepare

Approve, vote, and speak

Clever automation

Transform from paper to paperless with automated workflows and create a lighter everyday life for both administration and society.

Reduce human errors

Tailormade workflows and web forms

Merge information processes

Our eGovernment solutions by the numbers


market share in Denmark


digitised workflows


published meetings

Explore more solutions for your organisation

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financials and planning solutions

Public Sector