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Cyber security: Can we trust cloud computing services?

“It’s a bit like insurances. Perceived as an unnecessary expense, until the day chaos erupts. Then most people are well satisfied with the investment.” We have talked to Security Director at Visma, Espen Johansen, about cloud security.

Man and girl sitting in a sofa looking at a laptop and mobile phone

This blog article was first published on our Norwegian blog. You can read the original article written in Norwegian here.

By now, we have gotten used to seeing news about cyber security attacks in the media. The threat is growing, and the attacks are getting more sophisticated and damaging. What does this mean for the security of cloud computing services?

– As more devices are connected to the internet, the risk of a digital attack also increases. The consequences can be huge, says Espen Johansen, Security Director at Visma. 

Companies choose the cloud because of IT security

Can we trust that the apps and systems we are using are protecting our data and privacy?

– More and more companies are moving their solutions to the cloud, whether it is payroll, HR, ERP or CRM. The main reason may be that you get automatic updates and maintenance, opportunities for scaling and working where and when you want, says Johansen.

– The trend is that an increasing number of companies are choosing the cloud because of IT security. 

Also read: IT security: – Many businesses forget the most important thing

Got a new payroll system: – Crucial to work cloud-based

At the technology and innovation company Knowit Norge, the transition to a digital payroll system came at just the right time. In January 2020, they got a new payroll system in the cloud that ensures payroll for all 700 employees runs smoothly.

– We are incredibly happy. When the pandemic occurred, we saw how crucial it was to work cloud-based. Now, we are not dependent on being physically in the office to run payroll, says Bjørg Haaland in Knowit Norway.

Haaland says that the system saves employees unnecessary time. But it has also made everyday life safer. 

– What was previously done manually can now be easily tracked and corrected. We can, for example, run updates on payslips until the salary is paid, says Haaland, who already sees the positive effects of streamlining.

Among other things, the use of overtime has decreased.

– It has been surprisingly easy and efficient to change.

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Why is IT security in the cloud so much better?

Companies that use locally installed software are themselves responsible for large parts of the security.

Johansen explains that when you choose a cloud service, however, the supplier is responsible. That responsibility includes security and compliance with local and international requirements, laws and regulations.

– If you choose cloud solutions from a professional supplier, they usually have more specialised competence and better availability of IT resources than the individual customer, says Johansen.

– Also, you get security updates and other software updates as part of the delivery when you invest in cloud services with a professional provider.

The suppliers also have larger data centres with extensive security measures, where there are strict restrictions on who is allowed to enter the facility. Many companies lack good routines for this themselves. This way, a cloud provider will be able to provide increased security for a good number of companies.

– As the attacks become increasingly professional and advanced, work on security must be just as highly prioritised. Most companies are unable to do this job on their own, and therefore most outsource this responsibility.

GDPR has also put data security on the agenda. From 2018, all companies have a certain responsibility to ensure that the cloud services they use meet certain requirements.

– This especially applies to cloud services that process personal data, such as a payroll system, the Security Director explains.

Want to learn more about cyber security and cloud computing security? Visit our cyber security page where you can read about what cyber security is, why it is important, and what companies and individuals can do to protect their data. 

Visit our cyber security page