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Why we call ourselves “Champions of business software”

It’s more than a tagline. It’s a commitment to ourselves, our customers, and our communities that we will continue to push boundaries, innovate, and deliver world-class solutions.

At Visma, being “Champions of business software” isn’t just about being the best; it’s about striving for excellence in every facet of our business, from the way we approach technology to how we serve our customers and contribute to society. It’s a title we wear with pride. And it speaks to our focus, our commitment, and our collective drive to make a meaningful impact on the businesses and communities we serve. 

Of course, this phrase has many different interpretations. And, honestly, that’s one of the reasons it’s such a great representation of Visma. If you ask 10 different people in Visma what it means to them, you’re likely to get 10 different answers. We don’t define ourselves by one narrow definition of success; instead, we embrace all the qualities that make a champion. 

So today, we’d like to pull back the curtain a bit and share what being “Champions of business software” means to us. In our Voice of Visma podcast, we asked our leaders and colleagues how they define being a champion in this industry. Here are a few of the incredibly unique perspectives they shared.

A focus on the future

In the world of business software, standing still is not an option. The landscape is constantly evolving, driven by advancements in technology, shifting regulations, and the ever-changing needs of businesses. We’re committed to staying ahead of these trends, continuously innovating to ensure our solutions are future-proof.

We believe that being at the cutting edge of technology – whether it’s through advancements in artificial intelligence, cloud computing, or cybersecurity – enables us to offer software that isn’t just relevant today, but will continue to deliver value for decades to come. Our goal is to empower businesses to navigate whatever challenges lie ahead with confidence, knowing that our solutions will grow and evolve alongside them.

“We’re building software that really solves customers’ problems, fulfils their needs, and makes them more efficient. We’re constantly pushing our software to be technologically on the forefront because that means that the software can live for decades. Being on the leading edge means that some of the software we’re delivering to customers today as cloud solutions, will most likely also live in 2050.”

Øystein Moan, Executive Chairman of Visma

By maintaining this forward-thinking mindset, we ensure that our customers have the tools they need to thrive not just in the present but in the long term. Champions don’t just win in the moment – they prepare for the future, anticipating the needs of tomorrow.

Our commitment to our customers

Of course, at the heart of everything we do is our commitment to our customers. Behind every piece of software we create is a business relying on us to help them succeed. From one-person start-ups to huge enterprises, millions of businesses trust our solutions to manage their most essential functions – whether it’s payroll, accounting, tax compliance, or reporting.

“Across Europe and Latin America, there are 1.9 million businesses that rely on our systems to make sure that they’re in control of their business. It’s a huge responsibility that I think we really should be humble to. Making that something that the business owners and the business managers don’t need to worry about themselves – that is a huge value.”

Stian Grindheim, Chief Financial Officer at Visma

Our role as champions means that we don’t just provide software; we provide peace of mind. We remove the complexities of running a business, allowing entrepreneurs and business leaders to focus on what they do best. We’re on a mission to simplify the most critical tasks, ensuring compliance and accuracy, so our customers can focus on their growth and innovation.

See how our cloud software is creating brilliant ways to work

Championing innovation

Innovation is a core part of what it means to be a champion. We’re not content with the status quo; we actively seek out new ways to improve our products and services. From leveraging the latest technology trends to reimagining how we deliver solutions, we’re constantly pushing the boundaries of what business software can achieve.

“The word ‘Champion’ says more about what you have done than what you are. It means you have competition behind you. You had to fight to get something. And that’s what we’re doing as Visma.”

Jacob Nyman, AI Director at Visma

This drive for innovation is not just about keeping up with the competition. It’s about leading the charge, exploring new possibilities, and ensuring that we’re always delivering the most effective solutions for our customers. Being champions means taking calculated risks, learning from failures, and pushing ourselves to find better, more efficient ways to serve our customers.

Making a meaningful impact

Beyond delivering world-class software, we also recognise the broader impact of our work. Visma companies don’t operate in isolation; they’re part of a wider ecosystem of businesses, communities, and societies. As champions, we strive to make a positive difference not only in the business world but in the lives of the people who rely on our solutions.

By making processes smoother, more efficient, and more transparent, we help businesses and organisations of all sizes contribute to a thriving economy. When businesses succeed, they create jobs, generate income, and pay taxes that support vital public services. In this way, our work is not just about software; it’s about supporting the very fabric of the societies we live in.

“What we’re doing is really important for the business owners, but it’s also really important for everyone living in the countries where we operate. When it’s easier to sell your goods and services as an entrepreneur with VAT than it is to do it without VAT, that means that the VAT is getting paid. It means that there is a broad tax base. It means that people are trusting that other business owners and entrepreneurs are also doing this with VAT. They are paying their bills; they are paying their taxes. And that is actually a smooth, well-functioning society.”

Steffen Torp, Chief Commercial Officer at Visma

When businesses can easily navigate tax laws and regulations, they can focus on innovation and growth, creating a ripple effect that benefits entire communities.

Working as a team

At Visma, teamwork is integral to our identity. We believe that our collective strength is what enables us to reach new heights. Champions rarely achieve success on their own – and we see that every day across Visma companies. Behind every victory is a team that works collaboratively, shares knowledge, and supports each other. By fostering a culture of collaboration, we ensure that the best ideas rise to the surface, and everyone contributes to our success.

“You don’t become a champion alone. Even individual athletes always have a team around them somehow. And, I think we are quite good at that in Visma. We have this statement that we’re ‘Better together’, and that’s not just something a little bit fluffy that we say. We actually live it.”

Vibeke Müller, People Director at Visma

Ready to meet more leaders and colleagues who are helping shape the future of Visma?

Tune in to the Voice of Visma podcast